Wednesday, April 27, 2016


We arrived in Kathmandu after a stopover in Singapore. Since we were arriving at midnight in Singapore and then were not leaving until 9am Ruth had booked a hotel inside the airport for us to sleep in. It was very comfortable. It had that modern setup where the bathroom area is separated from the bedroom area by mostly clear glass and a slight frosted area near the toilet for "privacy". With all of the various mirrors in the room we found that if you wanted to sit on the toilet with any privacy you had to look around almost 360 degrees and see if any combination of two or three mirrors weren't in line with where your partner happened to be sitting. Ruth had to move to the other side of the bed in the morning due to just this reason. 

It would be remiss of me not to mention the best part of Changi airport - the leg massage chairs! FREE leg massage chairs! They have a separate section for each leg and give an awesome and at a times slightly painful massage. Having stepped up the running recently I was in massage heaven. It did all of the evil massage tricks too including the one where you dig the thumb (robot thumb?) into the calf and just leave it there for maximum pain. They also do the "tickle the undersides of the feet" trick which is just mean. There's no way you can avoid doing a smiley grimace while in one of these machines. Yes, I want one.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016


So Ruth and I went to Nepal at the end of March 2016. Ruth went there as part of her yearly trip to help with the teacher training program she's a part of. She's done this roughly 11 years in a row. 
Me, I went along to check out this place that Ruth has been raving about since I met her, meet a few people and do a little hiking.
I decided early on that a little bloggery couldn't hurt. And I WAS writing while over there. It's just that time constraints, wanting to actually see the country and sometimes lack of internet access meant I didn't post anything. So now I'm going to put up what I wrote, finish off what I didn't, and throw a bunch of photos at the whole thing.
Why? Partly because I figure it's a good way for me to remember what happened and where I went. And also partly because many people have asked what happened, where I went and wanted to know where the photos are. They're here. Right here.